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张震 水产微生物与饲料创新团队
聚焦“鱼类饲用益生菌挖掘”,在解决高密度集约化养殖以及高能饲料使用造成的鱼类营养代谢障碍和免疫抗病受损上取得系列创新研究成果。近5年主要取得了以下成绩:以第一、共同第一或通讯作者在Communications Biology、Gut Microbes、Journal of Nutrition等本领发表SCI论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,面上项目1项;国家重点研发计划骨干1项。
1. Zhang Z$, Ran C$, Ding Q, Liu H, Xie M, Yang Y, Xie Y, Gao C, Zhang H, Zhou Z. Ability of prebiotic polysaccharides to activate a HIF1α-antimicrobial peptide axis determines liver injury risk in zebrafish. Communications biology , 2019, 2, 247.
2. Wang A$, Zhang Z$, Ding Q, Yang Y, Bindelle J, Ran C, Zhou Z. Intestinal Cetobacterium and acetate modify glucose homeostasis via parasympathetic activation in zebrafish. Gut Microbes . 2021, 13(1):1-15.
3. Ding Q$, Zhang Z$, Ran C, He S, Yang Y, Du Z, Zhang J, Zhou Z. The hepatotoxicity of palmitic acid in zebrafish involves the intestinal microbiota. The Journal of nutrition , 2018, 148(8), 1217-1228.
4. Wang A, Meng D, Hao Q, Xia R, Zhang Q, Ran C, Yang Y, Li D, Liu W, Zhang Z*, Zhou Z* Effect of supplementation of solid-state fermentation product of Bacillus subtilis HGcc-1 to high-fat diet on growth, hepatic lipid metabolism, epidermal mucus, gut and liver health and gut microbiota of zebrafish. Aquaculture , 2022, 738542.
5. Hao Q, Teame T, Wu X, Ding Q, Ran C, Yang Y, Xing Y, Zhang Z*, Zhou Z*. Influence of diet shift from bloodworm to formulated feed on growth performance, gut microbiota structure and function in early juvenile stages of hybrid sturgeon ( Acipenser baerii × Acipenser schrenckii ), Aquaculture , 2021, 736165
6. Zhang H, Ding Q, Wang A, Liu Y, Tsegay T, Ran C, Yang Y, He S, Zhou W, Olsen R, Zhang Z* and Zhou Z*. Effects of dietary sodium acetate on food intake, weight gain, intestinal digestive enzyme activities, energy metabolism and gut microbiota in cultured fish: zebrafish as a model. Aquaculture , 2020, 735188.
7. 国家发明专利:周志刚; 张震; 解明旭; 冉超; 杨雅麟; 高辰辰; 丁倩雯; 刘宏亮; 一株具有降脂、抑炎、抗凋亡及抗病毒功能的水产益生菌与应用, 2021-5-11, 中国, ZL202010134976.3